The REAL agenda behind the created food crisis
Kit Knightly

The created food crisis, whether real or a smoke-and-mirrors psy-op, is all about tearing down the global food system and “building back better” – a new dystopian food system built by corporate monoliths and rigidly controlled in the name of the greater good.
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We’re in the early stages of a food crisis.
The press has been predicting this for years, but up until now it always appeared to be nothing more than fearmongering, designed to worry or distract people, but the signs are there that this time, to quote Joe Biden, it “is going to be real”.
Nobody knows how bad it could get, except the people who are creating it.
Because the evidence is pretty clear, it is being deliberately & cold-bloodedly created. We’ve been documenting it for months.
We have Russia’s “special operation” in Ukraine driving up the price of staple foods, wheat and sunflower oil, as well as fertiliser.
We have the sudden “bird flu outbreak” driving up the price of poultry and eggs.
The soaring price of oil is driving up the cost of food distribution.
The inflation caused by huge influxes of fiat currency means families are spending more money on less food.
And as all this is happening, the US and UK (and maybe others, we don’t know) are literally paying farmers not to farm.
It’s pretty clear this is The Great Reset: Food Edition. The lockdown melody with slightly different lyrics. A process of breaking down the structures already in place so we can “build back better” with a more controlled and more corporatised food system
Just as the Covid “pandemic” was said to highlight “weaknesses in the multilateral system”, so this food crisis will show that our “unstable food systems are in need of reform” and we need to ensure our “food security”…or a thousand variations on that theme.
That’s not supposition. They already started, over a year ago.
The Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems & Community Developments published a paper in February 2021 titled:
Dismantling and rebuilding the food system after COVID-19: Ten principles for redistribution and regeneration
In an interview from July last year, Ruth Richardson the Executive Director of the NGO Global Alliance for the Future of Food literally said:
Our Dominant Food System Needs to Be Dismantled and Rebuilt”
Later, in September 2021, the UN convened the first-ever “Food Systems Summit”, whose mission statement included the line:
Rebuilding the food systems of the world will also enable us to answer the UN Secretary-General’s call to “build back better” from COVID-19.
Writing in the Guardian two weeks ago, George Monbiot, weathervane for every deep state agenda, states with his trademark lack of subtlety:
The banks collapsed in 2008 – and our food system is about to do the same…The system has to change.
But what does “change” and “rebuilt” actually mean in this context?
Well, that’s no mystery, they’ve been talking it up for years.
- It will mean press and politicians alike pushing the WEF’s “planetary health diet”
- It will mean conditioning children to eat bugs and seaweed.
- It will mean increased pushing of “gene-edited” or genetically modified foods.
- It will mean stigmatising meat-eaters whilst perpetually fluffing veganism.
- It will mean promoting lab-grown “meat” and bacterial slime mixed in giant vats over natural food.
- It will mean “carbon taxes” on red meat and imported food of all kinds.
- It will mean “obesity” taxes on foods high in sugar or fat.
- It will mean propaganda efforts to rebrand staple foods as “luxuries”
Almost all of these are stories from just the past month or so, many of them talking points at the World Economic Forum’s Davos Conference.
As is almost always the case, the problem to which they’re currently “reacting” already has a series of pre-ordained solutions.
Just as we saw lockdowns break the economy to pieces whilst the billionaire class land record profits whilst corporate megaliths expanded their monopolies, so too will any proposed food security policies end up benefiting the already mega-rich or installing infrastructure for corporate control.
They just announced the building of the largest “cultured meat factory” in the world. Fake meat, of course, can’t be raised at home and is subject to patented processes of creation. Genetically edited or modified plants and animals are likewise subject to patents.
Supranational companies, with profits larger than the budget of some nations, are developing carbon footprint tracker apps which reward people for making the “right decisions”. That could easily be applied to food.
Bill Gates has quietly become the largest owner of agricultural land in the United States. Land on which he can grow new Frankencrops, or which the US government will pay him not to use.
The play is clear: Right now they’re getting ready to tear all our old food systems down, with the stated aim of building them back better.
But better for them, not us.
Kit Knightly will be appearing on the Global Research News Hour to discuss the food crisis later this week.
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FYI – the voting has NOT been turned off by us, it’s just stopped working for an unknown reason.
The votes are being counted it seems but just not showing up.
We just updated the software hoping thst would fix it but it didn’t. So we are continuing to look for a solution.
Hopefully it will be operational again soon – thanks for your patience
Yes there is an orchestrated food crisis coming and the ‘solution’ to it will be anything that is centralised and controlled by people who already control too much. GMO cultures, bugs, processed foods anything other than small scale local farming producing food we have evolved to thrive on.
The bird flu is real btw, wife is a veterinary inspector.
Of course it is real, it was released by WEF to destroy the birds. These things live in WEF labs all over the world.
Explain obesity levels.
I think obesity relates to the emphasis on low cost carbohydrates such as processed wheat and added sugar to everything. Those are the low cost ingredients that bring the biggest profits to the big food corporations.
whole foods cannot be so easily messed with.
Bill Gates has quietly become the largest owner of agricultural land in the United States. This is NOT TRUE. If you google this, you will find he is hardly even in the top 50… I see this mistruth spouted everywhere. Why are you repeating this?
It’s true, if poorly worded, he is the largest PRIVATE owner of farmland. The common misconception, oft repeated, is that he owns the majority of US farmland, but he IS the biggest private owner.
You know the W.E.F. and Klaus Schwab figures into this. I mean they bragged about the degree to which they’ve infiltrated Canada’s Parliament.
that’s me
The Sc Fi movie in the early 70’s Soylent Green was about this time, and do not be surprised that the evil globalist scum will have people minced up for food, why they eat off of gold plates beef turkey and all that they wan because they have stolen the wealth from us, it is these very evil people who are behind all of the misery on this planet these are the bastards who will be destroyed by god, written out of the book of live, never to exist again, we can grow our own food, mind you they will band you from growing your own food and send out the garden police to find you and destroy your crops. time for a revolution and either kill the global virus scum, or toss the filth into the slammers along with their muppet puppets.
Good article, but, as a harvester of edible and medicinal wild northern California seaweeds, and as an herbal and nutritional health care practitioner, I am offended by the comparison of eating seaweeds with eating bugs. Seaweeds are some of the most nutritionally and therapeutically valuable foods on earth, and most people’s health would benefit from adding a few grams of seaweed to their diet each day. Last but not least, children need no “conditioning” to enjoy dried snackable seaweeds. Almost all children that taste it really love it!
A few grams…Yes
Seamoss or Irish moss as many call it, all varieties have loads of nutrients and can help manage gut disorders like ulcerative colitis.
For those sensible enough, you should not eat what crawls on the ground and has too many legs, and not what lives in the depths of the sea, and not what lives and grows in swamps and muddy waters, broadly, better not eat what is evolutionary on a very low level. Preferably, eat what has grown by the light of the sun. What is natural and ‘nutritionally’ valuable is not always good, there is more to food than chemical nutrients.
Stay away from what is doubtful in this respect. and stay away from hypes.
The sea is the primordial waters, we live outside of the sea though, and we are upright walking creatures, not crawling and creeping, and we live by earth, air and sunlight, and we should eat the products of that.
Oranges and bananas especially have a high ‘sun’ value, the sun being the light. And there is much more to that than recognized currently.
Amen to that, thank you
This article has really clarified the subject for me.
So truth doesn’t work?
Starvation worked well for the Soviet Union and China, so they are giving another go. They think they know more than we do whether we need to live or not.
Agree on most points but seeweed is a high quality food. The japanese are not stupid.
I am not talking about the thick leathery stuff- there are several kinds that are very easy to eat and delicious with some seasoning like ginger….
Pepe Escobar reports on the messenger boys ball at Bilderberg:
“They are beginning to freak out over the slow but sure emergence of an alternative, resource-based monetary/financial system which the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) is currently designing, with Chinese input.
Imagine a system to counter the present Bilderberg / Davos system of fiat WEF money backed by hired EU$A guns. Imagine that a group of resource-rich but cash-poor countries get together to issue their own currencies backed by their own commodities, and finally break the shackles which made them hostage to the IMF’s financial hitmen. All these resource-rich but cash-poor countries, collectively called The Global South, are paying close attention to the Russia gas-for-rubles experiment. Hence today’s African Delegation to Putin.
And in China’s particular case being resource-rich includes loads of human capital, underpinning a massive, extremely deep industrial and civil infrastructure.”
Peepee IS a messenger boy!
the USA has never had a nation wide sitdown strike ever,no guts even the Italiand did many and won a mbit.
The odds are high that cold and hungry people look to ‘the authorities’ as a ‘solution’ rather the cause of their misery more than well-fed people who have a corrupt leadership who are the group most likely to ‘revolt’.
In our case, any revolt that doesn’t result in a change of who are the EU World Bankers are is treating a ‘hang-nail’ when you are about to be decapitated by ‘the leaders’.
It has been pretty clear for many years that the food system we all have built or participated in one way or another is not sustainable at all. Intensive farming has been creating devastating results in our environment; intensive processing of products and the need for profits have converted not very natural products in toxic food, which has compromised our health.
I see the same people who have been purposefully, continually destroying humans trying to change the system to be more efficient for them; but we do nothing; we just complain and wait for others to do something.
Perhaps there is a time when we have to abandon our domesticated, comfy lives and start learning how to feed ourselves, among other basic abilities. The system is rebooting but it is not going to be the same system. It may or may not work out as the “masters” want but it looks like in the meantime we are going to have to confront a lot of suffering.
We may not want war but war is upon us, whether we wan it or not. The first choice is to know who your enemies are so you can recognize your friends, too.
Every feeding line in our lives belong to the masters; nowadays property is an illusion; we already own nothing because it can be taken away suddenly, easily and without recourse. The illusion of freedom is disappearing for many of us and in its place we only face the reality of enslavement.
Only free people can fight because they own their food, their shelter, their bodies and their money; how can we fight if our only means of survival comes from a paycheck written by our masters? What percentage of the population in the western countries work directly for the government? Indirectly? for the banks? investment funds? Supermarket chains? food conglomerates? do I need to go on? fight the system within the system? I don´t think so.
Lets face it: we all have vested interests in the survival of this insane system we call western civilization and we are going to do nothing but talk about it because to do something else is too drastic for our taste.
The Green Revolution, over-regulation, cash (non-food) crops and globalism was part of the manipulation and exploitation.
For most people, it is too late to own a suitable piece of land or even to share in the commons.
Anyone who is ready to act at this point will not be so stupid as to discuss it on the internet…if they do, they will get quickly neutralised.
online is the world of ideas – the world of action is offline.
For all the smart-arse slogans like ‘build back better’, the so-called planners at the WEF are as thick as two short planks. You cannot destroy a system, whether it be food or industry, and ‘build back better’ without the knowledge and infrastructure to make a new system. And if you have already destroyed the knowledge and the infrastructure, where are you going to get it from? Realistically, if you stop people from farming, you create hunger and starvation. Many people die, including the farmers with the knowledge. You destroy industry and lose the infrastructure and the people with knowledge. The dreamers at the WEF have no practical skills – and obviously very little sense. They could not ‘build back better’ if their lives depended on it. The best response to their pronouncements is common sense and ridicule at their stupidity.
It’s like so many cuddly sounding slogans created by the malevolent to be parroted by the ignorant. It is of course deliberate. The west hating WEF are no more than Stalinists and eugenecists using starvation to cull and subjugate the “useless eaters” (their own description of us). “Build BACK Better” implies a lot of destruction and sabotage, very different from merely “build better”. Add in the number of “accidents”, fires and damage to food, storage, fertilizer and power facilities, those aren’t coincidences. Worse, the almost complete lack of reportage or investigation. It seems that those conspiracy theories, aren’t mere theories after all. Bugs for the many, steak for the few. For those suggesting an “organic” vegetarian/vegan existence, with no animal fertilizer, it’s an impossibility.
But they aren’t interested in old knowledge or abilities. Their new ways have nothing natural in them. Our food is not supposed to nourish us in the new realm, just keep some, a few to serve, alive
Hasn’t that always been the case, historically? The Barons eat wild boar with an apple in its mouth, the surfs eat pottage. A2
Really? Is anyone here hungry? Ive had two meals today and have done so for as long as I can remember.
Absolutely! And when I’m driving a car, I confidently stare only out the rear window, comforted by the solid proof that I haven’t hit anything yet.
Yep… People such as “WorkingClassHero” only see these things for themselves and their own prescriptive leftist bubble. Usually also end up as the first victims of their “utopian revolutions”. The next generation never learn, always arrogantly thinking that “they” can make the unworkable work, despite the overwhelming evidence, while ignoring the 100 million corpses and rising accumulating after every attempt at “proper socialism”
And even worse, this generation can’t read, and don’t accept basic biology, instead of higher pursuits. And young kids are a commodity, young adults in schools are being sexually weaponized to prey on younger kids by the school system
It’s a long game .. frog in pot, water is heating up
Luckily for us I believe the frog thing is a myth! A2
Kit writes an article arguing that they are ‘getting ready to tear our food systems down’, but oddly omits the huge evidence that they are already doing so. Here’s a report listing some of the attacks.
When I saw the line “We have Russia’s “special operation” in Ukraine driving up the price of staple foods, wheat and sunflower oil, as well as fertiliser”. I had to comment.
That maybe so but it is as the result of the UN WEF policies with the help of Nato entirely. Mostly everything you have said is correct though. Gates is there as usual too.
The slime that have created this dystopian nightmare wants another shoot to 6uild 6ack 6etter. This time it will be so much “better”.
Cut’n’Paste. A view from the New New Normal [my notes]:
“Taffy on June 02, 2022 · at 9:16 pm EST/EDT
Many so=called “greens” are actually “browns.”
Because they obsess about fossil fuels.
They do not track desertification from deforestation, a huge factor in Earth’s climate. Deforestation started with the earliest humans, but has become calamitous within the past three hundred years, with the demand for wood, [wood chips, wood pulp, pulpwood] and clearings for agriculture.
Those who would call themselves [truly] green should be halting deforestation, and reforesting large portions of the earth’s land. This is, of course, a multi-generational project [hence above practical politics; more of a cultural project — NickM]. It takes ca. 150 years for a forest to mature to a climax state where it is sequestering huge amounts of CO2 as well as providing a complex ecosystem for thousands of organisms above and below ground.”
[Note by NickM: My best memories of the U$A were forest camping and an exhausted cotton plantation which had been re-wilded by a friend of FDR; plus small acts of spontaneous kindness by various people]
These also require special protection as they are far more dense in stored carbon:
:- Wetlands: swamps, bogs, marshes
:- Peat and peat-rich soil.
Contrary to propaganda, the bulk of organic carbon in soil (by far) is in the temperate forests and tundra in eastern USA, Canada, Russia and northern Europe. Consider the historical damage in these areas. Tundra is also the major land source of atmospheric oxygen.
Marine vegetation (coastal and floating) is far more effective in absorbing carbon compared to all land vegetation.
Forests are crumbling
Starving people vote for politicians who promise them food.
Wikipedia is good for some things – like brushing up on Roman history – best source to find out what is going on today.
Further information: Grain supply to the city of Rome and Populares
This phrase originates from Rome in Satire X of the Roman satirical poet Juvenal (c. 100 CE). In context, the Latin panem et circenses (bread and circuses) identifies the only remaining interest of a Roman populace that no longer cares for its historical birthright of political involvement. Here Juvenal displays his contempt for the declining heroism of contemporary Romans, using a range of different themes, including lust for power and desire for old age to illustrate his argument.[6] Roman politicians passed laws in 140 CE to keep the votes of poorer citizens by introducing a grain dole: giving out cheap food and entertainment, “bread and circuses”, became the most effective way to rise to power.
or maybe they will hunt and eat them!
Buildbackbetter slogan popping up in the most innocuous places.
‘And, while They are cramping our carbon footprint-an 11% increase in private jet sales!
Doubtful They will be eating Bill’s bilge burgers-filet mignon will still be on their menus.
Perhaps in the insulated suburbs of big cities in Europe, North America and Asia Folks are oblivious to climate chaos, but out here in the increasingly parched, burnt, flooded, dust blown, eroding coastal towns of Australia, climate chaos is as real as psychopaths in suits.
So when was it ever different here? Climate chaos indeed! Which Uni did you go to?
Guys, You never heard or saw the WEF “Planetary Health Diet”? Part of the great reset?
Go to the WEF ‘strategic intelligence’ round map and find this planetary health diet.
Maybe Solyent Green is not such a bad idea after all. I’m sure that fat pig Klaus Schwab would feed quite a few.
Remember when that silent guy put Steve Bucsemi in the wood chipper in Fargo? That’s what should happen to Schwabbie.
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
the world is a Holding Company, the people, stock, and when they cease to generate profit, are dumped, because they fattened the wolf, sacrificed for it – so what do we expect, a pat on the back ?
The REAL agenda behind the created food crisis..? You have reposted main stream media crap. isnt journalism more regurgitate ism.
War Within the War: The Fight Over Land and Genetically Engineered Agriculture
says Monbiot.
That is such a confrontationally moronic statement that it’s difficult to believe it ever graced a newspaper headline. It’s the kind of borderline meaningless crud that an infant might scrawl haphazardly in a notebook amongst crayon bunnies.
Look at the crass generalisations: “destroy farming” and “save the planet”. You may as well say “destroy the colour blue” and “save the taste of vinegar”. And how exactly does Lab-grown food do anything at all never mind anything so ominously vague?
As for the article itself…
“I watched scientists turn water into food.”
At least Jesus had the decency to turn water into wine and he never intended it to apply everywhere.
“Through a porthole in a metal tank, I could see a yellow froth churning. It’s a primordial soup of bacteria, taken from the soil and multiplied in the laboratory, using hydrogen extracted from water as its energy source. When the froth was siphoned through a tangle of pipes and squirted on to heated rollers, it turned into a rich yellow flour.”
Umm George, people have been growing food for countless millennia. You know, actual food! The stuff that folk would want to eat. If you want “yellow froth” I’ll piss you some right now.
“…while filming our documentary Apocalypse Cow.”
Well you lot do like your snappy facetious slogans with a jocular tone as if to reassure the punters it’s all a bit of a larf really.
“They set up a frying pan in the lab, mixed the flour with oat milk, and I took my small step for man. It tasted … just like a pancake.”
You know what else tastes just like a pancake? A pancake!
“But pancakes are not the intended product. Such flours are likely soon to become the feedstock for almost everything. In their raw state, they can replace the fillers now used in thousands of food products.”
They replace the “fillers” and then they replace the food itself.
“Everyone on Earth could be handsomely fed, and using a tiny fraction of its surface.”
Actually George everyone on Earth could be handsomely fed right now if we just got rid of a tiny fraction of its populace – those parasites at the top. And if you want to push all that production into a tiny fraction of the surface – like say a couple of square inches – what is the rest of the surface for?
And now we enter that beloved subjectless mode where “arguments rage” all by themselves and “new technologies will soon make” all sorts of things happen without anyone applying these technologies.
“…most of our food will come neither from animals nor plants, but from unicellular life” and “all farming …. is likely to be replaced by ferming”.
Perhaps sex will be replaced by sux and culture will be replaced by crudture?
“I know some people will be horrified by this prospect.”
“Some” people? Surely not George!
“I can see some drawbacks.”
Really George?
“But I believe it comes in the nick of time.”
Well since our language seems to have lost all meaning I would say it’s come in the prick of lime.
Cue list of mysterious happenings:
“….aquifers are vanishing, rivers are failing to reach the sea. The glaciers … are rapidly retreating….” etc.
And where would we be without the techno-yackety schmackety?
“ …multiple breadbasket failures … synchronous heatwaves”
“Insectageddon threatens ….”
Oh for fuck’s sake George! What an embarrassing fountain of total drivel! I can read no more – especially when I look ahead and, as happens so often in the new era of covid-schmovid, I see paragraph after paragraph of wabbley doobley woofa woofa doo!
Maybe it’s truly a new religion speaking in tongues?
Brilliant repartee!
“At least Jesus had the decency to turn water into wine and …”
… and taught us to pray simply, “Give us this day our daily bread”.
A good man at a party, and your generous host for basic al fresco lunch.
The Jesus reference took my mind to this that I recently read:
It’s a long and detailed story, but I would say, it features the familiar characters.
I was on a train three or four years back talking to an old acquaintance (R) whom I’d bumped into by chance in the carriage. George Monbiot got on, and as ‘R’ had worked with him, he sat at our table. He wasted no time in expounding the inevitability of synthetic food and the demise of agriculture. I sat and listened to his zeal. He got off and R and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows.
What explains the zeal ? I wonder if Danny Bloom has it nailed ?
Danny Bloom
One point the article left out in the list of deliberately created events related to food shortages is the list of “coincidental” fires that have broken out at food processing and distribution centers all over the US, as well as some other countries. I view these events as about as coincidental as the 3 million deaths and permanent disabilities from the Covid shots reported in VAERS (the number given here corrected by a low-ball factor of 31 for under-reporting).
Others can buy land and grow food traditionally, just the way they always have.
No billionaire pushing this ‘agenda’ can be allowed to eat meat, they must be the first to be forced to eat factory-produced crap.
Their health must be the one tested in the firing line, not us lot who grow our own healthy fruit and vegetables, those who produce healthy meat.
I trust that every single Michelin Chef refuses to serve any Davos attendee anything whatsoever, because then they would be pandering to pure hypocritical evil.
“This is the tonic we needed after the last two years”
So says the news.
A royal event cures all ills!
There’s a royal event on?
Granted that “royal event” is an oxymoron.
…- Indeed. – ‘The Crown’, qua Schleswig-Hollstein/Windsor family or even the *Office* of ‘The Queen/King’ as Head of State is a legal fiction, the former entity having been legally abolished during The Republic under Cromwell…
…’The Restoration’ subsequently codified that the office of ‘The Crown’ ultimately vests in The City of London… – Funny ol’ world, innit?…
…Word on the street is Brenda’s body-double will be in attendance… 😉
…- Going forward they’ll pro’lly keep the real one permanently on ice like Commander Powell in ‘Dark Star‘…
Sign that this agenda’s been pushed to breaking point and some winding-in is imminent?…
The ‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’ document refers to the technique of shock testing being borrowed from the aerospace industry to the economy in the days when not every economic transaction could be tracked. Essentially this meant making a big change in a commodity (usually a significant price increase) and then tracking resultant changes in behaviour.
That document first emerged in the late 1960s although a copy found in a photocopier in the 1980s is more famous. Bill Cooper claimed it was written at Bilderberg in 1954 but it doesn’t read like it to me. Cooper was DeMolay. However it is another one of those alleged hoax documents that contains much that was highly prescient.
“Quiet wars” shows that the plan had shifted from traditional warfare and hard power quite some time ago. Eugenicists had realised that war didn’t reduce populations which tended to bounce back – and above all, they didn’t reduce the right sort of population but tended to kill off what the elite regarded as the brightest and best. Actual war tended to be reserved for populations the elite considered entirely expendable.
Nothing “new” here. Just a reiteration of basic facts most people completely ignore. >
New Food System Will Stop at Nothing to Control YouNew Food System Will Stop at Nothing to Control You (
Civilians will also continue to ignore the alternatives. > The RICO Act was established during Richard Nixon’s term of office, and the reaction by organized crime was to frame him for a crime they themselves committed. American citizens are the most propagandized and inept society ever to walk the Earth. >
15 U.S. Code § 45 – Unfair methods of competition unlawful; prevention by Commission
Complete text: 15 U.S. Code § 45 – Unfair methods of competition unlawful; prevention by Commission | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (
Vandana Shiva’s interview with JFKJr on The Defender podcast is excellent on this topic. She has been watching this issue for years and years.
RFK Jr I meant!
While I won’t argue with Kit’s view of the facts, I hasten to add that the food system that emerged 70 years ago, and was most facilitated by Earl Butz, Nixon’s Secretary of Ag, has been corporate owned (really a public-private partnership) all this time. Food scientists have been working to create synthetic edibles all this time (check out the work of Michael Pollen and others). “We’re” treated to those experiments largely in fast-food joints.
The US food system consists of a handful of corporations that run all facets and are branching out into urban vertical farming – sans soil – for several decades.
Point is the elites built this current system. It’s bad, and what they want to do is much worse to be sure. But let’s be clear, people have moved along with them all these many years.
We do need a new system, local regenerative farms, controlled by the people with direct distribution and self-regulation. We need to build better what we know is needed, is healthy and works.
The Reset as envisioned by the elite power structure is about total control of everything through technology. It will fail just because of that. It will be hacked to pieces and left for dead. They are a major danger to all of life in the process of trying to achieve their goals. But they are building back on a bad system and by all appearances will make it worse in trying to make it “better”.
The fact is vast swathes of the arable land in the world cannot grow food because it was poisoned by organophosphates for decades, over used and destroyed.
It builds back better when left alone. You can support the healing process with certain crops, mainly leguminous plants that have nitrogen-fixing qualities, sown for purpose of soil improvement or so called green fertilising
After three years you can carefully start to plant salad, carrots, spinach and such and after 8 years it is fully recovered.
So, you see, it is not all doom and gloom. 😉
Crop rotation is basic practice in farming. That’s not the issue, IMHO, it’s the intention to strip all nutrients, all nourishment from our diet; remove the fuel we need, intentionally, from our food, if you can call it that . It’s antihuman unearthly, geoterrorism, behind a facade of fake ideologies of progress for humanity. We are the carbon to be eliminated, frog in pot already.. imho
Yes, the chems and frequencies tear up our earthly cellular structures, have poisoned our soil, and trees are growing deformed and crumbling apart in the pnw
I think readers might benefit from a citation for the whole ‘frequencies make trees crumble’ thing.
Unsourced anxiety is bad. Fear is the disease.
Aren’t our debts supposed to be forgiven when a Jubilee occurs ?
Plenty of Cancel Culture but no ‘Cancel the Debt !’ Why’s that ?
Prolly has to do with who’s financing that cancel culture. 😉
In a parallel universe where ‘our’ royal family are not Nazis, it just happened.
Thou shalt not question usury.
As Michael Hudson has painstakingly elucidated, the traditional, classic “old-school” jubilee featuring debt forgiveness for ordinary unprivileged citizens was long ago abandoned as obsolete and passé.
The New! Improved! modern Jubilees are strictly overclass affairs, albeit with a lavish “bread and circuses” component as a sort of consolation prize for usury-ridden ordinary people.
Agree. I was alluding to the hypocritical religions that have reversed their principles.
The oldest (barely) surviving society thought Wichitty Grubs were a delicacy. If they had been left alone their descendants would have been around for another 100,000 to 200,000 years. The smart arses that wiped them out and covered the land with cattle and sheep and wheat farms and uranium mines will be lucky to get through the next 50. What bugs are we talking about ? Pesticides and phone tower radiation and poisons like glyphosate have decimated bee and insect populations.
Yeah. The environmental concern seems to have been encapsulated by the sound bites of climate change and global warming instead of a single mention of habitat destruction or ecosystems. I guess it’s another case of asking the wrong questions to get the wrong answers…but sad to see even non corporate media seem to bite.
In the last year and a half, I have worked for a brewery, then a restaurant, and now a major fast food chain. In every one the most harmful cleaning chemicals are used – the ones with warning logos of upside down dead fishes – death or long lasting harmful effects to aquatic life. Even the washing up liquids advise gloves / sometimes eye protection until it has been heavily diluted. And they use gallons of it – it’s just washed down the drains. Don’t see anyone’ Important making a fuss and demanding we use ecover or other nature friendly products. Organic / harmless products should be the only option, not the most expensive hence rarely used options for businesses. Carbon is the least of our problems. And let’s not forget the grand solar minimum we are entering into.
Covid guaranteed the overuse of chemicals that murdered the environment and not a peep from the crazies about that…you are right tons of the stuff poured in all directions….I go bare foot and I would have to wash my feet when I got home from shops…my soles as well as my soul was disturbed by the crap and I couldn’t help but wonder what the frogs, fish etc made of it….but we are about saving nature I am told….bull bloody crap.
80% ?
‘We Have Screwed Up the Balance of Nature,’ Chemical Expert Tells RFK, Jr. • Children’s Health Defense (
there’s much wrong with the corporate food system, which is why some of us have been going smaller/more local, exactly what the corporate food system does not want.
and in most regions, certainly ireland, small and local means animal foods, meat from pastured animals, big nono for industrial foods.
What’s happening to the world makes perfect sense once you understand (1) God gave us free will, and (2) the long history of the battle on earth between good and evil
Re-writing history at the Ministry of Truth – like it isn’t expensive food now that’s the problem, it was the “cheap” food of the past, it’s not the sanctions that are the problem but the energy policies of the past:
Nice bit of NLP to use the language of drug addiction to describe an entirely sensible and rational energy policy.
(P.S. Any good lie contains some elements of truth so I’m not saying there were no problems with cheap food or German energy policy – however those have nothing to do with the reasons they are now being junked for ‘solutions’ with even more problems).
It would be interesting if verified evidence/ proof was offered that the Russian military operation in the Ukraine is not as is so frequently cited here a “ Special Military Operation “ instead of conjecture .
The Russians claim that they’re interested in countering the Ukraine military, not the country as a whole. This makes sense because in theory they could flatten cities like Kiev and I’ve noticed that the Ukraine rail network — which is almost entirely electric — has been mostly functional. When things have been destroyed its because they’ve been used as defensive strong points.**
If we look at other recent invasions such as Iraq then a priority was taking down the infrastructure — electricity especially.
(**The Ukraine government official — the ‘human rights ombudsman’ — was censured recently by the Ukraine parliament for neglecting her duties organizing humanitarian corridors and spending too much time out of the country hyping up Russian atrocities, real and imaginary. This lends credence to the reports that the Ukraine military may be using civilian populations as human shields, kettling them in towns under attack so that it restricts the Russian military actions for fear of creating even more of a PR disaster.)
Hmm, the Russians, unlike the West, don’t want to bomb the Ukraine into the Stone Age as was the case in Libya/ Iraq and places in Syria.
Moreover, unlike the West, the Russians regard the Ukrainians, Neo Nazis being the exception, as fellow Slavic brothers. After all the Ukrainians fought many many battles in the great patriotic war against the Nazis and a number of leading USSR politburo members were from the Ukraine.
As regards the rail network, I suggest you look at some of the telegram channels and view the handiwork of the Russian armed forces on the military infrastructure, including the electrical substations required to power the system plus bridges and tunnels .
When the entire Western propaganda media is making up stories about the Russian military, I would venture the last thing in their minds is the PR from the empire of lies.
Just to reiterate, the Russians stated from the outset their objectives were the demilitarisation and denazification of the Ukraine.
Judging by the accounts I am seeing on social media sites they are doing a sterling job !
Brezhnev and Khruchchev were both from the Ukraine. A lot of the major battles between the USSR and Germany were fought in Ukraine.
Yes and a lot of raping and pillaging was done by the Ukrainians , aka Soviets , in Berlin leading up to the German surrender of 1945. Oh what a summer of love that was.
Seems we have some commonality here with history repeating as it typically does once and a while, even if the semantics are a bit blurred for the most part.
Sometimes I wish Mr.Putin would cut the crap when he uses the semantic ” denazification of Ukraine” as if its meant to drum up some sort of bad vibe with the Germans and British. As if they really give a shit anyway.
Never mind the absurdity that is Zelenskyy the Jew, leading a bunch of neonazis’ to their deaths…. like anyone there gave that one a blink. Perhaps a few of these fighters , should they survive, may wish to give this a deep thought moment as they drag their knuckles around the ground supper orbital crests throbbing….you get the picture.
The reality is you have a bunch of degenerates in power in Kiev that have for years now, warranted being taken down along with a host of vermin para military cockroaches from all over the world amassing to what amounts to one big raid fest to come.
The patience of Mr.Putin is something to behold for most would have levelled the shit hole and got on with it months ago.
To the normal people of Ukraine that left before the performance started, I feel their pain. Too bad the useless EU only pretends to.